The Artefact Archive
Purchase the back-catalogue of The Artefact (1965-2006: up to & including Volume 29) on a single DVD. Every article, report, editorial, letter, book review, etc, is presented in searchable, full-text Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files. The DVD includes instructions, and links to the Adobe Reader software for viewing and searching the archive. system requirements for the DVD are a computer with Windows 2000/XP or Macintosh OSX v10.2.2 and above, and a DVD-ROM drive.
The Artefact Archive 1965-2006 DVD is available for a cost of AU$20 within Australia and AUD$30 for overseas destinations (includes postage and handling).
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Back copies of The Artefact
Back copies of the Artefact are available for purchase. Some volumes are not now available and others, where there are only a few copies left, can only be obtained as part of a set.
Costs in Australian dollars are as follows:
Individual volumes: price on inquiry
Set of all available issues $200 plus postage
Artefact issues available when individual issues are purchased:
Volumes 10 to 22
Artefact issues available when purchased as a set:
Volumes 10 to 22
Volume 9 (very limited number available)
Volume 8 (No 3 – 4)
Volume 7 (No 3 – 4)
Volume 6 (No 1 – 2 & No 3 – 4)
Volume 5 (No 1 – 2)
Volume 4 (No 1 – 2)
Volume 2 (No 2)
Volume 22 1999
- D M Welch Fossilised human footprints on the coast of north western Australia
- M J Rowland Holocene environmental variability; have its impacts been underestimated in Australian pre-history?
- Robert G Bednarik The speleothem medium of finger fluting and its isotopic geochemistry.
- N Wolski & T H Loy On the invisibility of contact residue analyses on Aboriginal glass artifacts from Western Australia.
Volume 21 1998 Alexander Gallus Memorial Issue
- J Mulvaney Dr Gallus & Australian Archaeology
- G Presland A S Gallus and the Archaeological society of Victoria
- P Veth, P Hiscock, S O’Connor & M Spriggs Gallus on the crossroads; diffusionist models for Asian artefact `traditions’ in Australia and the last hurrah for cultural evolutionism.
- M Munro The stone artefact assemblage from Keilor
- J Tunn Pleistocene landscapes of Brimbank Park, Keilor, Victoria.
- C F M Bird & D Frankel Pleistocene & Earl Holocene archaeology in Victoria. A view from Gariwerd.
- I J McNiven Aboriginal settlement of the saline lake and volcanic landscapes of Corangamite Basin, western Victoria.
- K Sharpe, M Lacombe & H Fawbery An externalism in order to communicate.
- H Lourandos & B David Comparing long term archaeological and environmental trends; north Queensland, arid and semi-arid Australia.
Volume 20 1997
- P B Clarkson Geoglyphs in the Americas.
- R G Bednarik The origins of navigation and language
- B David, H Walt, H Lourandos, M Rowe, J Brayer & C Tuniz Ordering the rock paintings of the Mitchell-Palmer limestone zone (Australia) for AMS dating
Book Review
- H Lourandos Continent of hunter-gatherers: new perspectives in Australian pre-history
Volume 19 1996
- M C S Godfrey et al From time to time: Radiocarbon information on archaeological sites held by Aboriginal Affairs Victoria.
- C J Davey The origins of Victorian mining technology, 1851-1900
- R G Bednarik The cupules on Chief’s Rock, Auditorium Cave, Bhimbetka.
- D Welch Simple human figures in Kimberley rock art, Western Australia
Volume 18 1995
- Tang Hui-Sheng & J M Hare Lithic industries of the Quinghai-Tibetan Plateau
- C F M Bird Mount Talbot 1: a rock shelter in southern Wimmera, Victoria.
- C Clarkson & B David The antiquity of blades & points revisited
- D Frankel & P C Edwards Archaeology asunder Downunder
- N Stern The ‘blue tuff’ locality at Koobi Fora in northern Kenya
- P C Edwards The formation of large sites and their interpretation.
- J M Webb Abandonment processes and curate/discard strategies, Cyprus
- A B Knapf & I Johnson The Sydney Cyprus Survey Project
- J Powell Fishy business; studies of fishing in the prehistoric Aegean
Book review
- J Flood Archaeology of the Dreamtime: the story of prehistoric Australia and its people.
- P Bahn (ed) Collins Dictionary of Archaeology
- Antonio Sagona (ed) Bruising the red earth: ochre mining and ritual in Aboriginal Tasmania Miscellanea
Volume 17 1994
- J Flood & B David Traditional systems of encoding meaning in Wardaman rock art, Northern territory, Australia
- A J Ardito Reducing the effects of heavy equipment compaction A. K. O’Gower Not just another diversity index
- R G Bednarik Malangine & Koolangine Caves, South Australia
- R G Bednarik & J F Evans The fifth Australian Archaeometry conference
Book Review
- P Hiscock & S Mitchell Stone artefact quarries & reduction sites in Australia: towards a type profile
- T P Hutchinson Version 2 (history & archaeology) of essentials of statistical methods
Volume 16 1993 Selected papers of the first AASV Symposium on Archaeological Dating
- C Chippindale Dating & Australian Archaeology
- V Morgan Ice core dating and climatic records A. Peter Kershaw Palynology, biostratigraphy & human impact.
- C V Murray Wallace A review of the application of the amino acid racemisation reaction to archaeological dating.
- D Dragovich Varnish cation ratios and relative rock art dating
- R G Bednarik The calibrated dating of petroglyphs
- A Watchman The use of laser technology in rock art dating.
- T H Loy On the dating of prehistoric organic residues.
Abstracts of papers presented but not included in this volume
Book review
- Alberto Rex Gonzalez Las placas metalicas de los Andes del sur
Volume 15 1992
- P Faulstich Massaging the earth: Pleistocene finger flutings and the archaeology of experience.
- R G Bednarik Early subterranean chert mining
- B David, R Bird, R Fullager & L Little Glassy obsidian artifacts from north Queensland
- B Downey & D Frankel Radiocarbon and thermoluminescent dating of a central Murray mound.
Volume 14 1991
- B M J Huchet The nature of analogies in Australian archaeology
- C Smith Context, contact &site formation processes
- B David & J Stanisic Land snails in Australian archaeology
- R G Bednarik & Li Fushun Rock art dating in China
Volume 13 1989-90
- M G Plew Use wear analysis of stone knives from the Western Desert, Australia
- S Jamieson Experiments in the manufacture of ancient Near Eastern pottery
- F Weaver Goanna Bay excavation, Top Lake, Mallacoota Inlet, north-eastern Victoria
Volume 12 1987-1988 cave art of Western Australia
- M P Pickering Food for thought: an alternative to Cannibalism in the Neolithic
- J D Richards & N S Ryan Data processing in Archaeology
- A Whittle The prehistory of Neolithic Europe
Volume 11 December 1986
- W Beck & A McConnell The practice of archaeology in Victoria :a proposal for guidelines
- G Presland One hundred and fifty years of Aboriginal studies in Victoria
- P J F Coutts Coastal archaeology in south eastern Victoria
- J D Light & H Unglik A Frontier for trade blacksmith shop 1796-1812
Volume 10 July 1985
- B Gott Plants mentioned in Dawson’s Australian Aborigines
- P Sillitoe Decorating to communicate
- P Philps The prehistory of Europe
Volume 9 December 1984
- Obituary William Culican
- K Kefous Late Pleistocene megafauna at Lake Victoria, Central Murray, evidence and implications of some recent fossil finds
- D Frankel & R Vanderwal A note on prehistoric research in the Gulf Province, Papua New Guinea
- D Gaughwin Women in the food quest in Western Victoria
- A Rainey A quartzite assemblage from the Tully District, Queensland
Volume 8(3-4) June 1984
- H Campbell & M Prokopec Antiquity of tooth avulsion in Australia
- P Sillitoe Salt users of the Papua New Guinea Highlands
- J Stockton Archaeology and maps in Tasmania: A review
- R Bednarik On the nature of psychograms.
- G D Aslin & R G Bednarik Karake Cave – A preliminary report
Volume 8 (1-2) June 1983
- J V S Megaw Sandor Gallus-Archaeologist in two hemispheres
- A Gallus Excavations at Keilor, Victoria Report No 3
- D Gillieson Geoarchaeological applications of Scanning Electron Microscopy ; some Australian examples
- M C S Godfrey Historical sources as aids to archaeological interpretation, examples from Discovery Bay, Victoria
Book Reviews
- B Meehan Shell Bed to Shell Midden
Volume 7 (3-4) December 1982
- M Stephen The dynamism of tradition
- P Sillitoe The lithic technology of a Papua New Guinea Highland people
- N Barnard A Yi-ewer of Middle Chou style in the collection of the National Gallery of Victoria
Book Reviews
- P Coutts Readings in Victorian prehistory, Vol 1 Archaeological theory & practice
- W Bray & D Trump The Penguin Dictionary of Archaeology
Volume 7 (1-2) not available
Volume 6 (3&4) December 1982
- N M Wallace The anthropologist’s role in Land Right’s claim
- R G Kimber Some thoughts on stone arrangements
Book Reviews
- D Johansonm & A M Edey Lucy The beginnings of humankind
- R Leakey & R Lewin People of the lake. Man, his origins, nature & future
Volume 6 (1&2) July 1981
- E D Stockton Reflections around the campfire
- P G Ladd The relevance of palynolgy to archaeology in Australia
- K Kefous Identification & analysis of lacustrine and riverside fauna from inland sites in southeastern Australia
- D R Horton Early thought on early man in Australia
- N Walters Why the Tasmanians stopped eating fish
- I M Stuart Ethnohistory in the Otway Ranges
- E D Stockton Recent dates for large tool assemblages on the central coast NSW
- F S Colliver The Giligulgul an aboriginal tool?
Book Review
- J Battersby Cultural policy in Australia
Volume 5 (3 & 4) December 1980
- N M Wallace Western Desert rock and stone arrangements
- D Tugby & E Tugby The Reverend John Matthew and Painted Rock: perception and cognition in the recording and reproduction of an Aboriginal rock painting in the Grampians, Victoria
- L Healey & J Stockton Problems and potentials of archaeological evidence for prehistoric biophysical description in the Derwent Estuary
- W C Ferguson Fossiliferous chert in Southwestern Australia after the Holocene transgression: a behavioural hypothesis
Book Reviews
- A Sherratt The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Archaeology
- M F Christie Aborigines in Colonial Victoria 1835-86
- J Clegg Notes towards Mathesis Art
- G Barrett Bellinghausen: a visit to New Zealand, 1820
- P Stanbury 10,000 years of Sydney Life: a guide to archaeological discovery
Volume 5 (1 & 2) July 1980
- J Kaminga A functional investigation of Australian microliths
- G Presland Continuity in Indonesian lithic tradition
- R G Bednarik The potential of rock patination analysis in Australian archaeology-Part 2
- R G Kimber Desecration of Aboriginal sites and sacred objects in central Australia
- M Pickering A technique of bone tool manufacture: from photographs in the Donald P Thomson Collection, National Museum of Victoria.
Book Review
- J S Watson, V Drew & J D Cole Prehistory of the Eastern Highlands of New Guinea
- D Frankel Archaeologists at work: studies on Halaf pottery.
Volume 4 (3 & 4) not available
Volume 4 (1 & 2) June 1979
- H Allen Left out in the cold: why the Tasmanians stopped eating fish.
- D Horton The great megafaunal extinction debate: 1879-1979
- C Hunt Fijian pottery and the manufacture of cooking pots on Kadiavu Island.
- C Hunt A flaked stone industry from Fiji
- A Ritchie The Talgai Skull Story and the use – or misuse – of archives.
- M E Simmons & S Simmons Silcrete: a classification for flaked stone artefact assemblages.
- I M Sutayasa Prehistory in West Java, Indonesia
- Book Reviews
- I Bernal The Olmec World K-c Chang Early Chinese civilization
- J Winslow The Melanesian environment
Volume 3 No 4 December 1978
- Talgai Cranium Number E. D. Gill Age and origin of the Talgai Cranium from the Darling Downs of Queensland, Australia
- Langham Talgai and Piltdown – the common context.
Volume 3 No 3 September 1978
Megafauna Issue No 2
- J Balme An apparent association of artifacts and extinct fauna at Devil’s Lair, Western Australia
- M L McIntyre & J H Hope Procoptodon fossils from the Willandra Lakes, Western New South Wales.
- J H J Leach Discovery of an artefact associated with megafauna at Lake Ondit in Western Victoria
- A Goede, P Murray & R Harmon Pleistocene man and megafauna in Tasmania: dated evidence from cave sites.
- J Mulvaney William Dampier, ethnography and elf-stones
Book Review
- D Lewis From Maui to Cook: the discovery and settlement of the Pacific
Volume 3 No 2 June 1978
Megafauna Issue No 1
- D C Witter Late Pleistocene extinctions: a global perspective
- E D Gill Palaeoecological changes in Victoria and Bass Strait as a backdrop for the marsupial, megafauna and Aboriginal colonisation
- P F Murray Australian megamammals: restorations of some Late Pleistocene fossil marsupial and a monotreme
- K Errey & T Flannery The neglected megafaunal sites of the Colongulac region, Western Victoria
Book review
- J Mitchell A little history of Astro-archaeology – stages in the transformation of a heresy
Volume 3 No 1 March 1978
- J Carter S R Mitchell and the study of archaeology in Victoria
- W Orchiston et al Problems in artefact identification: an edge ground axe from the Dry Creek archaeological site near Keilor
Book Reviews
- R L Kirk & A G Thorne The origins of the Australians
- K R Howe The Loyalty Islands: a history of culture contacts 1840-1900
- J Stevens et al An Egyptian mummy of the First Intermediate Period in the Museum of Victoria
Volume 2 No 4 December 1977
- J Clegg A Sausserian model of prehistoric art
- R L Vanderwal The Shag Bay rockshelter, Tasmania
- D Wayne Orchiston Petrological studies in South Island, New Zealand prehistory 2. Maori use of white limestone
- G Presland Aboriginal local groups and seasonal exploitation in southwestern Victoria
- E D Stockton Pre-microlithic industries in south-east Australia
Book Reviews
- B Wood The evolution of Early Man
- R S Miller Misi Gete: John Geddie, pioneer missionary to the New Hebrides
Volume 2 No 3 September 1977
- D W Orchiston, R N Miller & R C Glenie A history of nineteenth century investigations at the Lancefield megafaunal site
- M Orbell The Maori tradition of Kupe: a religious interpretation
- F P Dickson Identification of buried middens by soil samples
Book Reviews
- D & R Whitehouse Archaeological Atlas of the world
Volume 2 No 2 June 1977
- I McBryde Ethnographic collections of Governor LaTrobe now in the hands of the Muse’ d’Ethnographie de Neuchatel, Switzerland
- W Davis & F E Treloar The application of racemisation dating in archaeology: a critical review
Volume 2 No 1 March 1977
- E D Gill Constraints imposed by the Earth Sciences on the interpretation of the Warrnambool ‘Mahogany Ship’ wreck site
- L West Aboriginal Man at Kow Swamp, northern Victoria: the problem of locating the burial site of the KSI skeleton
Book Reviews
- J Mellaart The Neolithic of the Near East
- S Purushottam Neolithic cultures of western Asia
Volume 1 No 2 June 1976
- E E Joyce & J R Anderson Late quaternary geology and environment at the Dry Creek archaeological sites near Keilor in Victoria, Australia
- A Gallus The Middle and early Upper Pleistocene stone industries at the Dry Creek archaeological sites near Keilor, Australia
Volume 1 No 1 March 1976
- L C Horrocks A study in intercultural conflicts: the Du Fresne Massacre at the Bay of Islands, New Zealand 1772
- E D Gill The Aborigines and coastal processes in Western Victoria, Australia
- P J F Coutts et al The Mound People of Western Victoria: A preliminary statement