Become a member of the AASV
The AASV aims to inform interested people about all aspects of Archaeology and Anthropology. We coordinate Monthly Lectures, regular Field Trips, occasional Seminars, and an AGM Lecture with Dinner, and publish a quarterly Newsletter, “The Bulletin” and an annual Research Journal, “The Artefact“.
Payment fee is based upon the Artefact, & any Printing & Postage cost; hence the fee applies at any time.
• AASV E-Membership: AUD $35 anywhere
per year for Electronic delivery of the Artefact, and Bulletin, as PDF files.
(Concession $30* only within Australia)
• Hard-Copy Membership: AUD $50 in Victoria AUD $55 Interstate
per year for a Printed Artefact, Posted (Bulletin by email).
(Concession $40*)
• Hard-Copy + Electronic: AUD $65 in Victoria AUD $70 Interstate
per year for The Artefact in hard-copy, and as PDF (Bulletin by email).
(Concession $55*)
(* For Concession, please provide a copy of your: Full-time Student / Pensioner / Centrelink / Health-Care Card)
Subscription to the Journal “The Artefact”
Electronic Copy of “The Artefact” per year for Electronic delivery as PDF |
AUD $30 |
Hard-Copy of “The Artefact” Printed Volume, by post |
AUD $40 Victoria |
AUD $45 Interstate |
AUD $55 Overseas |
All Payments must be in $AUD. ABN: 98 056 829 352
To Subscribe:
(a) Printable Form:
Right-click here & “Save Target As”, to download the the membership form (PDF; 100KB)
Either post it, or hand it to a committee member.
(b) Electronically:
Membership Application:
Please Copy & Paste the text below into an e-mail to
– fill in your details, & send; and EFT your subs as per below.
or (c) Membership Renewal:
Either do as above, or e-mail asking for your invoice.
Your details should all be on it, saving you RSI. However please do check they are correct!
Electronic Funds Transfer Details
(Please include your Name, or Membership Number, in the payment Description)
BBS: 033146
A/C: 121076
For overseas payments: SWIFT WPACAU2S
Please Note that All Payments must result in the correct amount $AUD
Text to be e-mailed: Preferred e-mail address: Time & date paid: (If you wish for a Printed Receipt, post a Stamped, Self-Addressed Envelope to Subscription to (Delete where applicable: ) I wish to become a Member of the AASV Hard-Copy (Printed Artefact by post) Hard-Copy + Electronic (The Artefact in hard-copy, and as PDF by email) * I apply for Concession, & supply a copy of my: Membership of the AASV commences each January. —– OR ——————————————————— Hard-Copy (Printed Volume by post)
Membership has been revised, and commencing with the 2013 year Please Note: The Membership Secretary does her best to keep The Database correctly updated. However, inevitably some wurlitzers go missing*. When you return your subscriptions, please check that we have your correct details. For further information, or to update your details, please contact the Membership Secretary at: The Society thanks Ron Vanderwal for his many years dedicated work as Membership Secretary. |
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eMembership |
Hardcopy membership
Hardcopy membership |
Hardcopy and electronic membership
Hardcopy & electronic membership |
Subscribe to The Artefact Only
Subscribe to The Artefact Only (current year) |